
The Heart Within the Art

Art is a reflection of character, an expression of hidden sentiments. An artist’s personal philosophy colors the work. This is inevitable, whether done consciously or not.

Christians may become tangled in the confusion of what we ought to watch, read, and listen to. The answer is simple, and is in the form of a question:

Does the work glorify God?

If one takes an honest look at life, there is no evading the conclusion that life is essentially depressing. Why traumatize ourselves further with the media we choose to expose our minds to? This isn’t to imply that we should live in a state of unrealistic slap happiness, never reading a book with a sad theme or listening to a song with minor chords. Sadness is part of life…indeed is the very essence of life without God, and we shouldn’t be in denial.

The overarching theme is what I am concerned with. Darkness allows for God’s glorious victory, as He works all of life together according to His plan. If the theme of a work reflects hope, courage, love, and values that align with the purposes of God, then the work satisfies the Holy Spirit indwelling the Christian’s heart. In contrast, I avoid works that glorify nihilism, senseless violence, and disrespect toward God, though this is most of what constitutes the media.

The choice is personal and requires discernment. For example, I find the movie Titanic quite dreary, and I’m not impressed with the moral themes presented. This isn’t to deny that Titanic is a “good” film in the sense that the script is well written, the camerawork is marvelous, and the actors are talented. However, I never want to watch Titanic again and subject my heart to that sinking feeling.

Likewise, some people find Les Miserables terribly depressing, though I don’t think so at all. Though the setting is dark, the message is anything but. Despite the harsh conditions that the characters live in, the heart of the work contains hope, redemption, and agape love.

We practice discernment if we realize not all that appears to be good is truly good. Often, those who appear to be foolish troublemakers are the true workers of good. The homeless tend to have more generous hearts than the rich. The Pharisees are a classic example of evil masquerading behind a good reputation. A repentant sinner is more honorable in God’s sight than a prideful priest.

Therefore, there’s that “something” I search for when I read, watch, play, and listen….

3 thoughts on “The Heart Within the Art”

  1. To be honest: the first time I ever saw Les Mis, which was the musical film, I thought it was TOO DEPRESSING. I didn’t know it was gong to be tragic; I didn’t know musicals could be tragic either. So I was a bit in too much of a shock and confusion to know what to think of Les Mis. But my journey with Les Mis does not stop there. I started researching Les Mis. I have no idea why I started researching Les Misérables.

    Something made see the musical film a 2nd time. March 2013: I was able to calm the 2nd time I saw the film The tragedy did not came as much of a film. I started to feel an emotional connection to some of the characters. I realized there is something special in Les Mis. I started to realized that this story makes you feel uplifted by the end, but my question was WHY? So guess, what I did, dug even deeper!

    By summer 2013, I was obsessed with Les Mis, and my love for musicals turned into a passion. So the girl who originally thought Les Mis was TOO DEPRESSING now saw Les Mis as tragic and heartbreaking, but also inspiring and hopeful. I now wanted to see the stage show: I first saw it at community college- 3x due to going once with family and twice as an usher- that was the motor for wanting to see it in London. West End- saw that production in 2015 and saw it on tour in 2017.

    This story has themes of hope, compassion, forgiveness, love, sacrifice, humanity, and redemption. I am connected to so many title. The songs are brilliant that are epic, powerful, passionate, and highly emotional. I did read the unabridged book as well. So Les Mis has played a huge part in my life.


    1. Hello, thank you for stopping by! Les Mis is my favorite musical as well, and the book is one of my favorite works of fiction. Yes, the story has a special quality…and I believe that is because the work focuses on higher values such as love, redemption, and service to God.

